Friday, October 17, 2008

german pancakes

hi everybody
now this happend yesterday a 7 in the morning waking up starving so i decied to cook something
good my mom got worried that i wasted a ton of ingredints for nothing then a perfect batch comes and i made it all by myself no help plus I cleaned up my owne messs without my mom telling me and if you don't belive me I might have a picture

german pancakes

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I love eygpt

ok i just watched the mummy with my littelest brother who is three! Man he is a brave one he just watched and watched with geting scared even though that there is bugs that can eat peoples's flesh. and the mummy uses it to make him whole but it was awesome each time I watch it it makes me want to go go it is my second place to go to on list of, top ten place's to go to.
I love eygpt it is so cool

Thursday, October 9, 2008

saving up

now today I want to tell you guys that i am tyring to save up for a trip to califorinia why cause a long boring raoad trip so bye